Roanoke Valley Chamber of Commerce Business Directory Search All Categories... Accountants - Certified PublicAdvertisingAgricultureAntiquesApartmentsAppraisal ServiceArt GalleryArtist/DesignerArts CouncilAsphalt Paving & Ready Mixed ConcreteAssisted Living FacilitiesAttorneysAttractionsAutomotive (Glass)Automotive (Parts and Services)Automotive (Repair & Services)Automotive (Sales and Services)Banking/Financial InstitutionsBeer WholesalersBehavioral Health AgencyBeverage SalesBoats (Rentals and Marina)Bowling AlleyBoy ScoutsBuilding SuppliesCancer CenterCar WashCateringCellular CommunicationsChamberCharitable FoundationChristian SupportChurchCleaning ServiceCleaning ServicesCommunity Service DevelopmentComputersConstructionConsultingConvenience StoresCopiers /Printing EquipmentCounselingDay CareDentistsEconomic Development OrganizationEducationElectrical ContractorElectrical Supply CompanyEmployment AgencyEmployment ServicesEvent DesignerEvent FacilityExcavatingExterminatorsFencing Sales and InstallmentFinancial InstitutionFinancial ServicesFloristFood TruckForestry Related IndustryFuneral Homes/Cremation ServicesFurniture SalesGas - PropaneGolf ClubGovernment RelatedGrocery StoresHair SalonsHealth CareHealth Care System/Hospital/Medical ServicesHealth/FoodHealthcareHeating & Air Conditioning Contractors (Sales and Service)Home Health CareHome ImprovementsHome Improvements WarehouseHotels/MotelsIndividualIndustrial MechanicsInsuranceInternet ServicesJanitorial ServicesJudgeLandscapingLandscaping supplies, Decorative StoneLogging CompanyManufacturersManufacturingMarketingMassageMedical TransportModular and Manufactured Housing (Sales and Service)Moving & StorageMusic ServicesNewsNewspaperNon-profitOffice SuppliesOpticalOptometristOrthodontistsPeanut ProductsPharmaciesPhysiciansPizza ShopPortable ToiletsPrintingProfessional Development TrainingPropane GasRadioReal EstateReal Estate AppraisalsRecyclingRentalsRestaurantRestaurant/CateringRestaurantsRetailRetail - GiftsRetail - Housewares, ClothingRetail (Auto Parts)Retail (Furniture and Appliances)Retail (Used Appliances)Retail ShoesRetirement FacilitySalon and SpaSawmillScreen printing, EmbroiderySecuritySelf StorageSheriff Halifax CountySignsSolarstaffing serviceTax Preparation ServicesTimberTires (Sales and Services)Tours/charter serviceTrainingTransportation ServicesTravel AgencyUtilitiesUtilities - ElectricityUtilities - Natural GasUtilities - Water and SewerVeterinarianWaste RemovalWelding Machine ShopWindow Tinting go Results Found: 26 Button group with nested dropdown Halifax County Schools Halifax County Schools P.O. Box 468 Halifax NC 27839 (252) 583-5111 Halifax, Town of Halifax, Town of 24 South King Street Halifax NC 27839 (252) 583-6571 Hilton Garden Inn Hilton Garden Inn 111 Carolina Cross Roads Parkway Roanoke Rapids NC 27870 (252) 519-2333 Halifax Community College Halifax Community College 100 College Drive PO Drawer 809 Weldon NC 27890 (252) 536-2551 Halifax County Crime Stoppers, Inc. Halifax County Crime Stoppers, Inc. 4337 Georgetown Dr. N. Wilson North Carolina 27896 (252) 532-5324 Hannah's Place Hannah's Place 1034 Roanoke Avenue Roanoke Rapids NC 27870 (252) 541-2037 Hampton Inn Hampton Inn 85 Hampton Blvd. Roanoke Rapids NC 27870 (252) 537-7555 Haggerty's Steakhouse Haggerty's Steakhouse 414 Becker Drive Roanoke Rapids North Carolina 27870 (252) 541-3361 Hawkins' Farms Hawkins' Farms 11842 NC Hwy. 48 Littleton NC 27850 (252) 586-3223 Hot Dog Shack, The Hot Dog Shack, The 648 Reese's Store Rd. Halifax NC 27839 (252) 676-5055 Halifax County Arts Council Halifax County Arts Council P.O. Box 374 Roanoke Rapids NC 27870 (252) 586-2422 Hockaday Funeral & Cremation Services Hockaday Funeral & Cremation Services 507 Hwy.158 West Roanoke Rapids NC 27870 (252) 537-6144 Halifax Academy Halifax Academy 1400 Three Bridges Road Roanoke Rapids NC 27870 (252) 537-8527 Halifax-Warren Smart Start Halifax-Warren Smart Start 1139 Roanoke Avenue Roanoke Rapids NC 27870 (252) 537-5621 Haliwa Saponi Indian Tribe Haliwa Saponi Indian Tribe 39021 Hwy. 561 Hollister NC 27844 (252) 586-4017 Holden Temporaries, Inc. Holden Temporaries, Inc. 326 Smith Church Road Roanoke Rapids NC 27870 (252) 535-3105 HOPE Christian Fellowship Baptist Chu... HOPE Christian Fellowship Baptist Church 395 Pearson Hill Road Roanoke Rapids North Carolina 27870 Haney, Vann, Bruton, Crawford, LLP Haney, Vann, Bruton, Crawford, LLP 324 Smith Church Road Roanoke Rapids NC 27870 (252) 535-1422 Holt Assessment Services, LLC. Holt Assessment Services, LLC. 622 Roanoke Avenue, Suite C Roanoke Rapids NC 27870 (252) 541-3833 Hasty’s Holistic Health Hasty’s Holistic Health 1006 Roanoke Avenue Roanoke Rapids NC 27870 (252) 578-4255 HCC Small Business Center HCC Small Business Center 100 College Drive (800 Building) PO Drawer 809 Weldon NC 27890 (252) 536-7274 Halifax County Dept. of Social Servic... Halifax County Dept. of Social Services P.O. Box 767 Halifax NC 27839 (252) 536-2511 Harrison's Auto Harrison's Auto 925 Drake Street Roanoke Rapids NC 27870 (252) 537-0153 Hobgood, Town of Hobgood, Town of 207 West Commerce Street Hobgood NC 27843 (252) 826-4573 Halifax Electric Membership Corporati... Halifax Electric Membership Corporation 208 W. Whitfield Street Enfield NC 27823 (252) 445-5111 HWY 55 HWY 55 301 Premier Blvd Roanoke Rapids North Carolina 27870 (252) 541-2055